2022 AGM
In the interests of the health and safety of shareholders, G8 team members and other stakeholders in the context of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the Company has decided to deliver its 2022 Annual General Meeting as a hybrid meeting, comprising a virtual meeting as well as an in-person meeting.
Accordingly, the Company is pleased to provide shareholders with the opportunity to attend and participate in the Meeting either in person or through an online meeting platform, where shareholders will be able to watch, listen, ask questions, submit written questions and vote online.
The Link virtual meeting platform allows shareholders attending virtually to watch and listen to the Meeting, to ask questions in relation to the business of the Meeting both orally and by submitting written questions using the online facility and to vote online in real time during the Meeting..
G8 Education Limited’s 2022 Annual General Meeting will be held on:
Date | Wednesday, 27 April 2022 |
Time | 11.00am (AEST) |
Venue | Online at: https://meetings.linkgroup.com/agm/GEM22
In person at: Room F, Level 1, Christie Spaces, 320 Adelaide Street, Brisbane, QLD 4000 |
- Notice of Meeting
- Online Platform Guide
- Live 2022 AGM
- 2021 Annual Report