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G8 Education has welcomed the Federal Budget, that outlined the Government’s investment in the early childhood education and care sector (ECEC).
G8 Education has welcomed the abolition of the childcare activity test that will guarantee families a minimum of three days of subsidised childcare regardless of how much they work or study.
G8 Education has welcomed new data released by the Federal Government today, including the savings for Australian families from childcare subsidies and the reduction in workers vacancy rates in the early childhood and care sector.
G8 Education has welcomed the announcement by the Federal Government today – the universal entitlement of at least three days per week of high-quality early learning and care for every child – and more for children who need it.
G8 Education has formally signed the Multi-Enterprise Agreement that will deliver better conditions and a well-deserved 15 per cent pay increase for workers in the Early Education and Care (ECEC) sector.
G8 Education has welcomed the Multi-Enterprise Agreement that includes better conditions and well-deserved increased rates of pay for workers in the Early Education and Care (ECEC) sector.
G8 Education has welcomed the release of the Productivity Commission’s report into the Early Childhood Education and Care sector that includes a range of recommendations for reform aimed at providing universal early learning and care access.
G8 Education has welcomed the Federal Government’s announcement today to fund wage increases for Early Childhood Educators that will support the Early Childhood Education sector, including G8 Education’s more than 10,000 educators.
G8 Education welcomes today’s joint announcement by Federal Minister for Education and Federal Minister for Early Childhood Education and Minster for Youth, introducing a new voluntarily National Model Code and Guidelines for the use of personal phones in early childhood education and care services.