For all media enquiries, journalists can contact [email protected].
Community Kids Mount Gambier Early Education Centre has been recognised as South Australia’s top-performing regional childcare centre.
G8 Education has welcomed the Multi-Enterprise Agreement that includes better conditions and well-deserved increased rates of pay for workers in the Early Education and Care (ECEC) sector.
Kindy Patch Eleebana, operated by G8 Education, has been awarded an Exceeding rating in five Quality Areas of the National Quality Standard (NQS).
G8 Education has welcomed the release of the Productivity Commission’s report into the Early Childhood Education and Care sector that includes a range of recommendations for reform aimed at providing universal early learning and care access.
G8 Education has welcomed the area’s littlest learners, opening the doors to its newest early childhood education and care centre, Great Beginnings Belmont North, offering local families a state-of-the-art facility dedicated to fostering the learning growth and development their children.
G8 Education is proud to announce World of Learning Piper Central has been recognised as The Best Child Care in the City of Bundaberg for 2024 by the Quality Business Awards.
G8 Education is excited to announce that Kinder Haven Moonee Ponds has been recognised as The Best Child Care in the City of Moonee Valley for 2024 by the Quality Business Awards.
G8 Education has welcomed the Federal Government’s announcement today to fund wage increases for Early Childhood Educators that will support the Early Childhood Education sector, including G8 Education’s more than 10,000 educators.
G8 Education is proud to announce its membership with Supply Nation, reinforcing its commitment to promoting greater economic empowerment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities and working towards Closing the Gap.